Monday, February 8, 2010

Letter B week

Letter B week was so much fun!  We learned about the Tower of Babel for our Bible story.  We sang songs about a black sheep and a dog named Bingo, and played with our sand blocks while listening to music.  We snacked on bread & butter, blueberries, and peanut butter balls.


Here are some of the pictures from the week!


We made a bird feeder!  We spread peanut butter all over a pinecone, and then covered it with birdseed and hung it in the tree.  The birds (and some squirrels!) loved it!

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We made a school bus craft with Mommy’s Cricut paper cutter!

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Practicing my handwriting!  Big line, little curve, little curve!

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Then we baked bread in the form of pretzels! Yummy!

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Emily spent time building blocks, and balancing them!

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Decorated the letter B with buttons!

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Then we ended the week with a special trip to the Fort Worth Stock Show and Rodeo, courtesy of Bug’s grandparents, to see some Bull Riding and Barrel Racing!

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